Please call me at (702) 458-5640 or contact me at to schedule a 30-minute consultation/evaluation.


Adult Registration

Child Registration

To reserve your first session consultation time a 50% non-refundable fee of $15 is required . You can go to PayPal at the top of the home page to do this. Once the payment is made you can call me and a time for the session can be arranged. The remainder of the fee is paid at the consultation. Lessons are paid in full by the month.

I would appreciate the opportunity to meet you. We can use the time of the consultation lesson to discuss any questions that you have in reference to music study and how I can help you to accomplish your goals. I will give you my professional evaluation of your voice or the pursuit of piano study. There is a fee for this meeting. All fees will be discussed on the phone or in person.

All healthy voice styles taught: Pop to Rock, Broadway, Country and Classical. Choir Members welcome. Beginning through intermediate piano instruction with extensive theory study. Composition if there is an interest.

The studio specializes in preparation for High school and College entrance auditions. Learn to present your best 16 bars!

Lessons voice and piano are private one on one. Group voice lessons are available and are best for the young voice ages 6-10. Careful attention to training the very young voice safely is done by building a foundation of excellent musical and vocal habits. The student must pass vocal/music exams in order to pass to the next group level. All lessons private and group integrate the fundamental skills of counting, phrasing, breathing, and timing including basic music theory.


Tuition payments for the month are expected in advance, on the first lesson day of each month. If the first lesson is missed for any reason, payment for that month should be mailed to the studio:

Madelene Capelle
3266 Brentwood Street
Las Vegas, NV 89121

Tuition payment received after the 7th day of the month is subject to a $20 late payment fee. The returned check fee is $35.

Tuition reserves your exclusive lesson. It is payment for your course of voice/piano education including study plan development and other non-teaching time for your benefit. Tuition is non-refundable. Tuition does not include books or supplies.



YOU MUST ARRANGE YOUR MAKEUP LESSON or any lessons that you have missed during the month or you forfeit your payment for that lesson. There will be NO credit given to any missed lessons, without a one day notice, with the exception of an emergency.


Please arrive on time. I am unable to extend the lesson times for those who arrive late. If another lesson is being taught when you arrive, please make yourself comfortable in the Sitting Salon. Parents please do not just drop your children off; make sure that I am in the studio.

Parents are NEVER to drop off their child prior to the lesson time. This is not allowed under any circumstances. Parents must verify that I am in the studio teaching. Students are to be picked up promptly after the lesson. I do not allow the students to wait in the front yard for parents. Parents come to the studio to pick up the student promptly after the lesson is completed. This is grounds for dismissal from the studio roster.

Please arrive on time. I am unable to extend the lesson times for those who arrive late. If another lesson is being taught when you arrive, please make yourself comfortable in the Sitting Salon. Parents please do not just drop your children off; make sure that I am in the studio. Students must be picked up promptly after the lesson. I do not allow the students to sit in the front yard waiting for parents. Parents come to the studio to pick up the students.

Students must be picked up promptly after the lesson. I do not allow the students to sit in the front yard waiting for parents. Parents come to the studio to pick up the students.

1. MISSED LESSONS: Your lesson time is reserved exclusively for you; make-up lessons due to illness or strictly school program involvement must be made up within the month. Credit for the lesson is not carried to the next month.

STUDIO CLOSURE: When the studio is closed, no make-up lessons are given and no tuition payment is necessary. Because I am an educator/ teacher and performer, I may have to cancel a lesson due to a performance. When this happens, I will let you know with as much advance notice as possible. I will then credit your tuition for that lesson.

2. In the event that you discontinue lessons, you are responsible for reserved lesson times for the rest of the current month (there are no refunds). Notice of discontinuation should be given to me at least 2 weeks prior to the end of the month, so that I have time to fill your spot.


“Learning to sing or play the piano, a skill different from learning by reading a book. Music is a living thing. You learn so much about yourself through music. When you bring your song into the world and join in with others, you create the harmony of life. It’s not about how fast you can play the piano or how loudly you can sing, it’s really about getting beyond yourself. Music brings about many feelings, you have to be willing to have those feelings: many people aren’t. Music can create beautiful moments out of nothing. All of you have felt it at one time or another. Learn to be touched by the music…it’s such a privilege.”

Madelene with a student With Students Students performing Recital students With young opera fan With student