History and Résumé
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Capelle, a native of Las Vegas, Nevada has been acclaimed in Europe
and the United States for her intelligent artistry and outstanding
musical gifts.
Praised for the clarity and beauty
of her voice along with her commanding stage presence. Madelene
Capelle has performed throughout Europe, the United States and South
America as guest soloist with a number of opera companies and
symphonies. It was with the encouragement of French composer Darius
Milhaud that Madelene went to Vienna, Austria on a Fulbright
Scholarship. While in Vienna Madelene studied with the late star of
the Metropolitan Opera and Vienna State Opera, Arleen Auger.
It was with Ms. Auger's assistance
and introduction that Madelene's European performance career was
launched, first with the notable Bach Gemeinde in Vienna, also
performing works of Verdi, Haydn, Mozart and Bach in summer
festivals throughout Austria, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia.
Madelene continued an impressive
international performance schedule with performances in, but not
exclusive to: London Paris, Dijon, Florence, Graz, Bielefeld, and
Oldenburg. Capelle has performed in Bogotá, Venezuela, Mexico City
and Lima, Peru.
Madelene has appeared with Music
Academy of the West Summer Opera, Austin Opera, Bel Canto Opera of
New York, New York Grand Opera, Oakland Symphony, Sacramento
Symphony, Nevada Opera Theatre Las Vegas Symphony and the present
Las Vegas Philharmonic to name a few.
Madelene's artistry has been
extensive in the area of special events, a favorite National Anthem
soloist for the past Super Bowl champions the San Francisco Forty
Niners, guest artist for numerous notable personalities such as:
President Jimmy Carter, President Bill Clinton, the late Ginger
Rogers, Junior Ziegfeld Artist of the Year with movie great Jane
Powell, President Reagan and Nancy Reagan, Vice President Al Gore
and House Majority leader Harry Reid.
Madelene has been recognized with
two Congressional citations from Congresswoman Barbara Vucanovich
and Congressman James Bilbray for her outstanding musical
achievements and most recently a United States Senate Certificate of
Commendation to honor her outstanding contributions to the Arts of
Nevada by Senate Leader, Harry Reid.

Madelene - (D) Harry Reid Senate Majority
Leader and her Dad
Indiana University-Doctorate
Program-Music Performing Arts / Bloomington, Indiana
University of Vienna-Certificate in Music Therapy / Vienna, Austria
University of Texas at Austin-Master of Music
Mills College-Bachelor of Arts (Music, Psychology) Oakland,
Nevada School of the Arts: Voice Faculty
Educational Outreach Director: Utah
Festival Opera, Logan, Utah
Adjunct Faculty: Community College of Southern Nevada (voice)
University of Nevada, Las Vegas: Master Classes (Career Development)
Certified Substitute Teacher: Clark County School District (k-12)
Very Special Arts: Artist and Consultant
Artist-in-Residence: Endorsed by the Arts Councils of Nevada. North
Dakota, South Dakota, Idaho,
Oregon, Wyoming and Utah
Kennedy Center, Artist's as
Program includes:
" Planning effective workshops for
" Find connections between artist work and school curriculum
Artist-in-Residence Curriculum
Provided in the states of:
Wyoming, North/South Dakota, Utah, Nevada,
Idaho, New York, New
Jersey, Oregon, Virginia
" Conducted workshops for parents,
teachers, and hospital staff that included behavior
modification on-task behavior to promote listening and interpretive
" Conducted humor workshops for teachers, hospital staff, parents,
and students.
" Conducted "Music and Your Emotions" workshops in schools (K-12),
Junior College, University, Hospitals (patients and staff)
throughout the United States.
" Yankton, South Dakota - Featured Guest artist and speaker for
Women's Awareness Day.
" Women's Issues Workshop curriculum utilizing the Creative Arts,
Music, Humor, Poetry, Arts and
" Music and Religious Influences, Basel Switzerland sponsored by
Crescendo Magazine.
" Humor Workshops for Desert Springs Hospital, Las Vegas, Nevada,
presented to the Professional
and support staff.
" Conducted Self-Esteem classes (grades 6,7,8) for Las Vegas Day
" Featured Speaker:" Tuning Your Chassis" for the National
Association of Teachers of singing"
Western Conference Convention, Las Vegas, Nevada.
" Weekly 2.5 hour Humor workshop's for private psychiatric hospital,
Las Vegas, NV, entitled"
Survival Skills for Young and Old, Utilizing the Power of Humor,
" Conducted Weekly 25-hour Music Therapy workshops for private
psychiatric hospital.
" Creative Arts workshops sponsored by Charter Hospital "Music and
Your Emotions"
(didactic and hands-on exploration of music.)
" Art spirit workshops, Nevada Arts Council featured artist, Reno,
Las Vegas, NV. (Didactic and
hands on exploration of art, music, poetry, and language arts.
" Sing Me a Story, Tell Me a Tale, children create an opera,
including making props, creating
dialogue, story, playing Orff Instruments. This project has been
presented throughout the United
States and South America.
" Workshops for Nevada Association for the handicapped, organization
now known as
" Easter Seals of Nevada.
" The Music Emergency Fund foundations sponsored Humor and Music
Workshops throughout the
metropolitan New York/New Jersey areas.
" St. Austin's School, Austin Texas. 2 years, Full-time Music
Instructor (K-8)
" University of Texas, Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of
Music, (Voice and Education
" Music Therapist, Charter Hospital,
Las Vegas, Nevada
" Creative Arts Specialist, Harmony Counseling, Las Vegas, Nevada
" Yankton, South Dakota, State Psychiatric Hospital, Music Therapy
" Conducted individual and group
Creative Arts Therapy.
" Designed imaginative Music, Art, Humor and play Forums as therapy
for family related issues.
" Conducted intake assessments.
" Supported and directed music Art and Play as themes emerged to
allow successful integration of
family experiences.
" Collaborated with other
Psychiatrists, social Workers and Therapists in leading concurrent
therapy groups for children and their parents.
" Conducted family assessments of family stresses.
" Developed treatment plans addressing the needs of both the parent
and the child.
" Designed activities. Music, Art, Drama, and Play for supervised
parent/child interactions to
improve family relationships.
" Provided support and psycho-education for parents at high risk for
abuse or neglect of their
children or other family violence.
" Designed Support Group meetings for families focusing on issues of
healthy child parent
relati0nships utilizing the Creative Arts.
" Led individual and family therapy sessions.
" Provided individual and group
in-service in Music, Art Humor and Play Therapy to nursing students
at Charter Hospital.
" Independent Living Director
" Developed music Therapy programs for traumatic brain injury
" Designed Support Group meetings for parents and family members of
traumatic brain injury
Founder and Director of Children's
Opera outreach
Founder and Director: Outreach for Creative Arts a not for profit
National Association Teachers of Singing (NATS)
National Laughter Society
International Platform Association
Soroptomist International of Greater Las Vegas
Speaking knowledge of German
Reading knowledge of German, Italian and French.